Present at the TECNOFIDTA Exhibition in Argentina

Present at the TECNOFIDTA Exhibition in Argentina

← News Present at the TECNOFIDTA Exhibition in Argentina We are pleased to announce that INOXSIS will be present at the Tecnofidta 2024 fair to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina from September 17 to 20, 2024 at La Rural Predio Ferial. We invite you to visit our booth...
Export of Integral and Customized Solutions

Export of Integral and Customized Solutions

← News Exportación de Soluciones Integrales y Personalizadas Inoxsis is dedicated to exporting integral and customized solutions to customers around the world, ensuring high standards of quality and efficiency. We equip new facilities and modernize existing ones,...
INOXSIS compact hygiene equipment

INOXSIS compact hygiene equipment

INOXSISCompact hygiene equipment ← News In an industrial environment, where safety and hygiene are top priorities, the implementation of compact hygiene equipment becomes a key element to ensure the protection of employees and prevent the spread of bacteria and...
Hand sanitisers

Hand sanitisers

← Personal hygiene equipment MICRO hand sanitiser MINI hand sanitiser BASIC hand sanitiser INTEGRA PLUS hand sanitiser COMPACT hand sanitiser INTEGRA hand sanitiser Need more information? Contact us here with one of our sales representatives. CONTACT US INOXSIS...